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Joséphine Louis

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Joséphine Louis, Paris-based art advisor and curator, specializes in digital ​art, leveraging a discerning eye for innovation. With a wealth of experience ​curating exhibitions and sourcing exceptional artworks for collectors, ​festivals, and art foundations, she thrives on tailoring projects to today's ​artistic landscape. Since 2021, she has been deeply engaged in the crypto-​creative realm, actively curating, promoting, and collecting NFTs, ​culminating in the establishment of Funghi Gallery. With five years of Art ​Market immersion, Joséphine seamlessly bridges traditional and digital art. ​Her multifaceted expertise extends to advising art institutions and luxury ​brands, where she excels in curating innovative experiences that resonate ​globally.

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Kim Departe

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Kim Departe is a professional with a passion for digital art. Since 2021, she has been advising on and disseminating digital art, collaborating with various artists and players in the field.

After working for 2 years at Galerie Charlot, one of Paris's leading digital art galleries, she teamed up with Valérie Hasson-Benillouche to create Marais DigitARt. This innovative project brings together people with an interest in digital art to take part in a walk dotted with augmented reality works in urban spaces. Her mastery of project management and her knowledge of emerging technologies position her as a key figure in the world of contemporary digital art.

Fuse with digital art experts

Our expertise

Digital Art Curation and Consultancy

  • Leveraging extensive experience in curating digital art exhibitions and sourcing exceptional artworks, including AI, AR, video art, multimedia installation, interactive art, digital painting, 3D animation, and CGI.

  • Expertise in tailoring projects to match brands' aesthetics, values, and storytelling, providing relevant selections from a diverse international network of digital artists.

  • Proficiency in advising art institutions and luxury brands on curating innovative experiences that resonate globally, bridging traditional and digital art seamlessly.

Strategic Support for Artists and Brands

  • Providing comprehensive support for the strategic partnership between brands and artists, from artist liaison to launch.

  • Specialized in budget and contract negotiations, drafting copyright assignment contracts, project coordination, and technical follow-up of artworks production.

  • Offering artistic advisory on creation, PR & marketing strategy, and organization and management of events to ensure successful collaborations.

Innovative Project Creation and Delivery

  • Fusion of creativity, excellence, and innovation to deliver impactful curation expertise and custom-made art advisory.

  • Expertise in guiding the development of original, limited-edition products and innovative campaigns that align with brands' identities and values.

  • Dedicated to forging bonds between new artistic expressions and brands, utilizing emerging technologies and digital creation to bring meaningful projects to life.

Fu2ion is more than an art consultancy, it's a fusion of creativity, excellence and innovation. Thanks to our experience in the contemporary art world, we are able to provide an impactful curation expertise, unique project creation and delivery custom-made art advisory. We can guide you in the development of original, limited-edition products and innovative campaigns that perfectly match your brand's identity and values linked to the universe of the artist.

Fu2ion is a creative partner dedicated to luxury brands and artists in digital art, augmented reality and contemporary art. Craftswomen of innovation, we make bonds between new artistic expressions and brands to bring meaningful projects to life, thought emerging technologies and digital creation. Based in Paris, the agency is headed by two digital art experts, Kim Departe and Joséphine Louis.



meticulous curation of recognised ​artists BY AN experiencedTEAM



multidisciplinary arts offerings that​ engage and inspire the public.



Contemporary artists at the cutting edge of new technologies.

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Fu2ion is an artistic agency founded by

Kim Departe and Joséphine Louis